NewsNetball Fiji announce Final 12 member team to play at Nations Cup Singapore

November 4, 2024by Mitieli Baleiwai

Netball Fiji has announced the Final 12 team members that will be traveling to Singapore later on this month to play at the Singapore Men’s Nations Cup scheduled from 2-8th December 2024.

Fiji Men’s head coach Jioweli Vakamoce explained that after a tough selection process, the management have selected the top 12 players to represent Fiji at the Nations Cup in Singapore.

“We have finalized names of the final 12 players with the 3 Non-Travelling Reserves, our selection discussion considered Individual strengths and weaknesses, performance, attitude, attendance to training, team player characteristics, skills (on court, leadership).”

The team is in the final stages of preparation and continues to work hard. “We had our Court Skills training on Friday, which was a Public Holiday. We trained from 7am to 10am. This is also the beginning of Phase 3 and our full one hour game will be every Saturday after Activation and Abs training. We also continued with our Gym workout sessions with an increase in weight as per schedule given,” said Vakamoce.

Fiji Men’s Netball Team

Kitione Waqavonovono (Captain)

Vilive Wainidroa (Vice-Captain)

Amena Nacavaraba

Josefata Cati

Joseva Nawaqa

Rarawa Vulimainarita

Atonio Lovokuro

Poasa Vulaono

Savenaca Sorovaki

Sireli Tuidraki

Atonio Bakaniceva

Nacanieli Goneyali

Coach: Jioweli Vakamoce
Manager: Kelera Tuqovu
Physiotherapists: Laisenia Qiritilau

Netball Fiji CEO Ms. Vivian Koster said. “This is an exciting development for our Men’s program, and I know the team can count on everyone’s support as they set out to stamp their mark on the international stage.”




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