NewsEducate the Educator program to benefit upcoming athletes

March 11, 2024by Mitieli Baleiwai

National Sports Commission through partnership with Netball Fiji and various other sporting organisation complete the three days “Educate the Educator Program” last week from Wednesday 6th March, Thursday 7th, and Friday 8th in Naililili, Rewa.

Educate the Educator Accreditation program saw a total of 39 teachers selected from the 11 schools in the Waitui & Waidroka cluster in Rewa. The program was held at St Joseph the Worker Primary School in Naililili.

The Educate the Educators program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of coaches and educators in various sports disciplines.

Netball Fiji’s National Umpires manager Losalini Bainivalu was part of the three days workshop where she taught the teachers, umpires and other participants at the workshop the fundamentals of Netball in all aspects of the game including coaching, officiating and playing.

The three days workshop provided the opportunity for Mrs. Bainivalu and other sporting educators to engaged the participants in a theoretical session that provided them with a solid foundation in the principles and strategies of netball and other sports.

The theoretical component was strategically designed to equip the participants with a deep understanding of netball, whilst laying the groundwork for effective teaching and coaching.

Following the theoretical session, participants seamlessly transitioned into practical sessions, where they had the opportunity to apply their newly acquired knowledge in real-life coaching scenarios.

This approach ensures that educators are not only well-versed in the theoretical aspects of sports education but also equipped with the practical skills necessary to nurture and guide upcoming athletes.

On the final day Friday 8th March Mrs. Bainivalu taught the fundamentals of footwork, passing, shooting, and defensive tactics, while emphasizing the importance of strategic positioning on the court.

The “Educate the Educators” program concluded with participants receiving educator certificates while Fiji National Sports Commission donated sporting equipments to 11 schools around the Waitui Waidroka cluster in Rewa.



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